The Campus Renewal Ministry mission excites me: “to create and catalyze united movements that transform college campuses for Christ. By bringing students, campus ministries, and local churches together in prayer and evangelism, we strengthen the influence of the Body of Christ on campus” (all emphases mine).

Of late, I’ve been captivated by my readings on the role of the college campus in past spiritual awakenings. I am convicted of the importance of students, campus ministries and churches all working together, especially in prayer, for our campuses. It’s made me examine the key relationships God has given me and ask how I might use them to this end.

I sense an urgency for this unified effort especially when I read Dan Hayesstatement in Fireseeds that “…we clearly observe the importance of the college campus in God’s global plans and surmise that if revival is to break out again, there is a great likelihood that it will be on the campus, as it has been historically, and that the results of such a revival today would be nothing short of the fulfillment of the Great Commission.”

A Cord of Three Strands

As Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, “a cord of three strands is hard to break.” Commentaries on this passage note that cooperation is better than competition; and notes an old saying “Dum singuli pugnant, universi vincuntur—While they fight in detached parties, they sacrifice the general cause.” Are we sacrificing the greater cause of Christ on campus by “fighting in detached parties?

My own ministry affiliations — Ratio Christi, Moms in Prayer International and the Collegiate Day of Prayer — touch those students, campus ministries and local churches Campus Renewal wants to strengthen to influence the Body on campus. What if we all used our “strategic strands” of ministries to weave what we have individually into a corporate cord of strength for what God wants to do on our country’s campuses?

Here are some of my ideas. Would you prayerfully consider implementing as many of these suggestions as you are able? And then would you share your ideas as well?

Strand 1—Students:

  • Gather with at least one other student to begin to pray for your campus; the great awakenings of the past started with prayer by students on campus. You may be praying the seeds of the next revival.
  • Invite your local church to pray for you and your campus especially on the Collegiate Day of Prayer.
  • Ask your mom (parents) to pray for you and your campus and communicate with them about real needs. Consider Moms in Prayer groups.

Strand 2–Campus Ministries:

  • Pray regularly with other campus ministries.
  • Multiply the number of campuses covered in prayer by Moms in Prayer groups by encouraging students to ask their moms to joining or starting a group; direct them here or here.
  • Subscribe your students’ parents and local churches to your newsletter to give them a “scouting report” for prayer needs.
  • Email me at to share prayer needs for campuses in general and yours specifically, allowing me to equip our college praying moms for more strategic prayer.
  • Model cooperation with other campus ministries. Our Ratio Christi values state that we are a non-competitive ministry and exist to serve other ministries on campus by training students in evangelistic apologetics. If you have an RC chapter on your campus let’s work together; if you don’t, help us start one. We are another tool in the tool belt for your students to become even stronger in their membership in your ministry. Paul recognized that others saw that the same Spirit was at work in him and Peter despite their different “ministries” Gal. 2:7-8 (ESV).  So should we. Let’s not leave one another “stranded.”

Strand 3–Churches:

  • Reach out to nearby college campus ministers to find out how you can pray for them, their ministry, and their students.
  • Welcome college students and provide for their unique needs–start an adopt-a-student initiative.
  • Pray for the professors on campus.
  • Partner with campus ministries to bring events, speakers, live stream simulcast teachings to your area. (Ratio Christi’s servant leadership model seeks to equip students and local churches in apologetics training; we partner with leading apologists for events in your community. I have done this with my own church and our local RC chapter.)
  • Bridge the gap between church and parachurch ministries.
  • Begin a college prayer ministry; encourage your moms to begin or join Moms In Prayer groups and allow them to meet at your church and provide childcare.

To Strengthen the Body of Christ on Campus

“The greatest hope of our globe is revived university students…” says Hayes. He also beckons us to become “revolutionaries who are praying, working, and expecting the Lord to revive believers on campus and awaken unbelievers to the glory of His name.”

Let’s lay our strands at His throne and ask him to help us braid them into a cord of cooperation. As revolutionaries banded together, we will strengthen the influence of the Body of Christ on campus and fan the flame of revival.

 Julie Loos  Symposium 2014 photoJulie Loos is the Director of Ratio Christi Boosters, the community outreach arm of the campus apologetics ministry. She also serves as the College Groups Facilitator for Moms in Prayer International encouraging moms who pray for college kids and campuses to pray intentionally and strategically. She has a heart for the campus as that was where her faith was solidified and she has one son in college and one on the way next year. She lives in the St. Louis area and enjoys coffee, chocolate and working out.