This last week fourteen CRM staff gathered for our annual conference. Yep, that’s it… just fourteen of us working on about six different campuses. Even with a group that small our differences are profound.
We all have different gifts, different temperaments, different passions, and different personalities. These differences are in full display when you’re locked up in a cabin for several days! One of the main differences that I witness in the context of a national staff retreat is the different things that energize us or exhaust us.
I find it helpful to generalize people in one of three different camps. Of course these are not perfect descriptions, but they are helpful. As a leader, I always try to recognize which students and/or pastors are which so that I can lead them in a way that is most energizing to them rather than in the way that is most exhausting to them.
Strategy People
These folks are most energized by planning. They could sit in a meeting for hours so long as the conversation was strategic in nature and things were getting done. They need a dry erase board at meetings. They want the meeting to end with specific goals and specific roles.
Prayer-time is fine, but only after plans have been made, giving them something to pray toward. Relationship-time is fine too, but only after the work has been done. In fact, working together truly feels like relationship-building to these folks.
Prayer People
These folks are most energized by praying together. They could go on for hours and hours simply interceding for each other. They need a Bible and anointing oil at meetings. They want the meeting to end with everyone feeling edified, having heard from the Lord through each other.
Strategy-time is not as meaningful as what God may do through prayer. They want strategy to come out of prayer. Relationship-time is accomplished through prayer. They feel closer to others through prayer more so than through conversation and playfulness.
Relationship People
These folks are most energized by hanging out together. They could stay up all night playing games, telling jokes, eating, talking and getting to know one another. They need food and activities at their meetings. The more spontaneous the better. They want the meeting to end with laughter and personal conversation, with everyone closer to one another.
Strategy-time is static and impersonal unless the sharing comes from a more personal side. They want people to share their struggles and dreams from the heart, not on a dry erase board. Prayer-time is great, so long as it is filled with personal prayer requests and sharing rather than praying through list on a piece of paper.
Which Are You?
Of course we’re all a mix of these, but I bet you can pick one that is most like you. Anyone who knows me knows I am in the “strategic” camp. What about you? I’d love for you to comment to let us know.
Neither of the “camps” is right or wrong. They are just different.
The fun thing about our team is that we are so different. It’s God’s funny way of making our team practice the unity we’re trying to develop on our campuses!
Justin Christopher is the director of Campus Renewal Ministries at the University of Texas and author of Campus Renewal: A Practical Plan for Uniting Campus Ministries in Prayer and Mission. He gives leadership to the Campus House of Prayer and the missional community movement at the University of Texas.
Jeremy Story
12 years agoI think I am mostly in the relational camp with some hybrid of the strategic camp.
Leave it to Justin to categorize and systematize differences 🙂
I like that ‘difference’ about you Justin!
Dave Farkas
12 years agoOk…so I’m strategic too. Where are all those relational and prayer people?? Maybe they’re too busy praying and having fun without the rest of us?? 🙂
Jon Yee
12 years agoI’m definitely more relational. I love strategy and prayer, but, at the end of the day, I feel most accomplished when people are laughing. Especially if they’re laughing Christmas pranks in May.
Akpene Torku
12 years agoLike!
Heather Collins
12 years agoI’m strategic. I’m also noticing a trend here. 🙂
Ben Sanders
12 years agoI am a strategist but also a relational connector (that is connecting people relationally to further a strategy).
Akpene Torku
12 years agoI notice most of the strategic people weighing in first… Can I be a stratego-relational prayer person? I guess that’s not allowed… I guess it would depend on the day, but relational is pretty high up there. What would y’all say I am?
Dave Farkas
12 years agoSince you were making brownies at 1 AM – that makes you a relational person in my book…but you can definitely be all 3, depending on the moment. You are a women of many talents!
Chris Ngai
12 years agoAfter some deliberation with my lovely wife, I would have to say I am MOSTLY prayer, with some relational in there too.
12 years agoWell, I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m in the relational camp, and then it’s a toss up between prayer and strategy. I value the other two, but I’m all about people and conversation, hence the weekly lunches with my interns. 😉