Last week 85 campus ministers from 48 campus ministries united for five hours of prayer, testimonies, and discussion. It is an annual event where we discuss the state of the campus. We ask: What is God doing? What is the enemy doing? What ways can we partner together in the years to come to further advance the Kingdom (big K) of Christ at the University of Texas?
If you find it amazing to see these 85 men and women in prayer and conversation, then let me tell you a few reasons why we are so able to do so.
We’re Believing God For Something Bigger Than Our Own Ministries
Years ago (late 1990s) we started to cultivate a vision for true transformation. We watched the Transformations videos, read about city-reaching strategies, and prayed scriptural prayers of hope for our campus every week. After several years of doing so, it became a really deep shared conviction. We wanted to see God do something bigger than any of our individual ministries – something only He could get credit for.
We Sincerely Love And Value One Another
Years of prayer and conversation moved us to a new place in our relationships with one another. We really began to love one another. Paul’s command in Philippians 2 to “honor one another above yourself” and to “look not only to your own interests, but also to those of others” began to be applied in relationships with one another (not just within our communities as it is most often applied). Now we genuinely want each ministry to succeed. Imagine being one of the new ministries at UT and coming to this event to be prayed for and blessed. This is what we did. We welcomed the new ministers and asked God to multiply their work on campus.
We Believe It Is Biblical To Do So
We simply believe that God, through scripture, calls us to work as one Body to reach every student at the University of Texas with the gospel of Jesus. Campus Crusade cannot say to Austin Stone, “I do not need you.” Chi Alpha cannot say to Hill Country Bible Church and Hope Student Life, “I am not needed.” I Corinthians 12 teaches us that.
Ephesians 4:3 calls us to “make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” “Make every effort” means that it is something we strive toward. Unity is not passive. It is something we move toward. It requires time. It requires prayer. It requires meetings like we had last week.