Some stop, but most just walk past the group of people praying every weekday in the TI Plaza at the University of Texas at Dallas. Campus Renewal and five other ministries at UTD pray together in public every Monday through...
Read moreFading Spiritual Momentum Spiritually speaking, Fall semesters at Cornell University start out with a bang. The weather is warm, exams and papers are weeks away, and campus fellowships and ministry leaders work overtime during the freshmen “gathering process.” But...
Read moreCollege Ministry Discouragement I walked back to my car from across campus, discouraged and lonely. It was a long day trying to meet new students and build relationships with them. As I sat down to drive home I could just...
Read moreDifferent Individuals, Same Body of Christ During Rez Week at The University of Texas at Austin, for an hour in the prayer tent, we broke up into groups and prayed with people from different ministries. As I sat and listened...
Read moreSlowing Down Lately, I have been feeling like I am slowing down, getting caught in the grind of schoolwork and ministry. The fire within me has grown low, and I am just trying to make it through each day. But...
Read moreOver the course of one week, The University of Texas at Austin was inundated with united prayer, worship, and evangelism. That trifold combination led to the salvation of one student (let’s call her Jasmine), as well as thirty-eight others on...
Read moreThere is a mystery to the way prayer works. Often the Biblical commands about prayer and the Biblical narratives about prayer seem to be at odds with one another. Prayer often feels like a two-sided coin. This semester I would...
Read moreToday is the start of a new semester, and for me it starts the same as it did twenty-one years ago. It starts with 7am prayer. The second week of my freshman year at the University of Texas, a few...
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