Movement 133, a group of students from houses of prayer on college campuses all over Southern California, came together on Feb. 22 to fast and pray for revival. The gathering, held at the University of Southern California, was a culmination…

The Campus Renewal Magazine features stories about what God is doing on college campuses across the nation. Through these stories, we aim to encourage and inspire more people to participate in or start united movements, and reach every student with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
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Movement 133, a group of students from houses of prayer on college campuses all over Southern California, came together on Feb. 22 to fast and pray for revival. The gathering, held at the University of Southern California, was a culmination…
Greenhouse Church is a church that meets in multiple locations in Gainesville, Florida. One of these locations is in the University Auditorium at The University of Florida, which meets every Sunday night. The church has become a hub for college…
“Veritas Christo Ecclesiae (Truth for Christ and the Church)” ~Harvard University, 1636 “Lux et Veritas (Light and Truth)” ~Yale University, 1701 “Dei Sub Numine Viget (Under the Protection of God She Flourishes)” ~Princeton University, 1746 God has an inheritance for…
It Started with One Question In January 2015, Brian Jenkins, now a senior at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, returned from a short term mission trip to Atlanta, GA with a question. After meeting people who…
Last month, several ministries at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) hosted Dr. John Lennox (mathematics, Oxford) to speak on the topic, “Has Science Rendered Belief in God Irrelevant?” One of the most prestigious ballrooms on campus was…
One spring day in 2013 at The University of Texas at Austin, freshman business majors Tim Nelson and Chris Uhlig were hanging out, sharing thoughts about their first year of college. At one point in the conversation, they both realized…
Well, the skulls have been put away for another year. Each year at the beginning of November, our Latino/a community at St. Edward’s University erects their altar in our Chapel commemorating Día de los Muertos, the Day of the Dead. …
Ever since my fellowship group started the Campus Renewal prayer guide, I thought revival would come soon to our campus. I imagined one day where there would be so many people encountering God and committing their lives to Him, that…
“All these died in faith, without receiving the promises, but having seen them and having welcomed them from a distance, and having confessed that they were strangers and exiles on the earth.” – Hebrews 11:13 I believe that this is one of the…
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