One of the things unique about studying revival, is that people see revival through so many lenses. The end is the same: God being fully glorified on campus. The means, however, are very different depending on which lens you see...
Read moreWhat is Slut Shaming and Why Should We Care About It? Slut shaming refers to making a woman feel guilty or inferior because of her sexuality. This could occur because a woman violates a cultural sexual norm (having sex outside...
Read moreLast week, things got a little heady. I think it’s time to take things back down to earth. To do that, we’ll be talking about a few implications of the law of grace that we went over in TGR 10....
Read moreNaturally Automatic Have you noticed that just about everything in our world can be automated for us? Automatic transmissions are the norm and most of us never learn to drive standard. It seems almost awkward to me to have to...
Read moreYour campus will not be reached without a core group of empowered leaders taking bold steps of faith in unison. Building a core group of leaders presents many challenges since students often misunderstand their purpose and ministry leaders can use...
Read moreIf you are a Christian, then, in my opinion, the answer to that question is yes. We are all called to glorify Christ where God has planted us. That’s our assignment. To make Jesus flesh among those we are living,...
Read moreOnce you have established the mission of your movement this will determine what goals you set, what activities you engage in, and how you manage yourself and your ministry. Your Mission, plus Momentum, Multiplication, and Management make up the essential...
Read moreIn Ephesians 4, Paul gives what may be the greatest key to regional transformation in all of Scripture. To turn the key on a transformational engine and create momentum is the unique calling of every student ministry. It’s the missional...
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