Easter weekend is a crazy time of family events, egg hunts, candy, traveling, and church functions. However, for Cornell University, Easter weekend is focused on community, worship, service and a 48-hour prayer tent, serving over 2,000 people. These events were put...
Read moreAround forty college campuses across the country united for prayer, worship and sharing their faith, during Rez Week, March 28th through April 1st. The aim was to “make Jesus the most talked about person on college campuses”. “It’s one event,...
Read moreEvery Monday at 5pm, Christian student leaders at The University of Texas at Austin meet together for prayer. This meeting, known as “Fusion” at UT, or what Campus Renewal calls a Leader Connect Group, serves as a physical representation of...
Read more“He ministered in me by giving me a firm conviction to follow through with something that was on my heart for a while – to start a missional community within my major.” This was a response I received when I...
Read moreEvery week students are coming to Christ at the University of Texas at Dallas! The spiritual climate around campus has shifted this spring as if a warm, refreshing breeze had blown through to drive out the winter, and there is an excited...
Read moreIt’s a real pleasure when you’re talking to someone who does not know you, who then proceeds to compliment you on something you created. You know for certain that they are not just being nice, because they have no idea...
Read moreIn light of our first Friday Fast on April 3rd, which also happens to be Good Friday, we decided post on what fasting actually is. So if you’re a seasoned faster, or just starting out, here are some good tips...
Read moreI’ve been wrestling with whether or not to write on this subject. I normally try not to write my opinion on things that tend to divide the Body of Christ because I am so personally invested in bringing the Christian...
Read moreI was eavesdropping on a conversation yesterday that made me smile and caused me to think about three scriptures I love. Yesterday we pulled the Rez Week supplies out of storage and had a team of people helping repaint all...
Read moreThe first year we did a house of prayer in the middle of campus for Rez Week I met a few students who objected to the idea of such public prayer. They referenced the sermon on the mount when Jesus...
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