I like being upside down.
Strange, I know, but it’s something my friends have discovered that happens to me if I’m a) tired, or b) it’s late at night.
I’m not quite sure why I usually end up with my head and back on the floor and my feet up on the couch or bed, but it’s a comfortable position to be in. These days, it’s also turned into my prayer position.
Most nights when people are getting ready for bed, I can often be found in my roommate Jill’s room, upside down, chatting and laughing, but more importantly, reading the bible and praying. This little routine that we started a few weeks ago has not only deepened our friendship, but also reminded me of why praying with others is so important.
Share the load
Jill and I usually begin our time with conversation. We talk about our day, laugh about funny moments and little anecdotes, and listen carefully to each other’s dilemmas. We talk, not to vent or complain, but to share and gain understanding of our individual situations. Why? Because before the night is through, we know all these things will be prayed for.
We’ve all got issues. Problems that we’re trying to figure out, thoughts we wrestle with, emotions that seem to drive us mad. And there is something to be said about being able to pray with one another, for one another. In being transparent and sharing our struggles, we learn how to walk with our friends through hard times, and in essence, to bear one another’s burdens. (Gal 6:2).
Get on the same page and focus
The neat thing about being able to pray with a friend is we get to be excited about the things God is doing together. We pray for family and friends, outreaches and missional communities we’re in, and point out the things we see God doing in each other’s lives.
As we’ve prayed, Jill and I have found that this doesn’t just encourage us and spur us on, but it also keeps us on track. Prayer always brings our focus back to Christ, what He’s done and is doing, and reminds us of our purpose on this earth. It’s also taught us that in everything, we run to Him first, pour out our hearts, and trust in Jesus to take us through it.
Revelations from the caramel macchiato
My best friend likes the occasional caramel macchiato. To him, it’s the perfect mix of bitter coffee blending in with sweet notes from caramel, infused with the richness of milk, hot fumes meeting the cool frothiness that is whipped cream. In fact, he once used it as an analogy for life, stating that one hasn’t really tasted sweet until you’ve tasted bitter.
I kind of think life is like that, with it’s bitter and sweet moments. We never know what’s coming next, but what I’ve found is that if you’ve got friends to pray and walk through it with you, the bitter parts don’t seem so bad. God has a funny way of orchestrating things such that we hit these moments at different times, and I really believe it’s so we can take turns standing strong for each other.
So what’s the point then? Pray together, and pray often. We’ve all heard the phrase “a family that prays together, stays together” and I really think that’s true. We are all family under the blood that was shed for us, and if we really want to be that strong cord of three strands or more (Ecclesiastes 4:12), then it all begins with prayer.
So grab a friend, take your bible and go for a walk, have coffee, or if you’re like me, flip upside down (literally). But always, always pray. Pray and see what happens. And I’m sure something will.