Sometimes the best way to foster a greater sense of unity on campus is not to host a united event that brings people together at one time and in one location, but to create a common strategy that every campus...
Read moreI love the way the Lord uses some of the most mundane things to bring Him glory. I saw an example of this first hand last week, when my outreach partner and I spent time one morning on campus at...
Read moreThe gospel is offensive. I’ve known this for awhile, but in a much more abstract way. In the back of my mind, I thought it was because Christianity–loving God, loving your neighbor–was offensive. It confused me, because this was my...
Read moreOne of my co-workers has pointed out that I’ve caught the “unity bug”. I caught it as a senior at Cornell University, sitting beside my Jewish friend along with 600 Christians and non-Christians in the arts quad for an inter-fellowship...
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