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Donate to Campus Renewal

Donate today and partner with us so that, together, we can bless campuses across America and see spiritual transformation!

Donations can be made by check, credit card, or stock.  You can donate online with a credit card or electronic check using our donation system, where you can also see any gifts you have previously made.  If you would like to donate stock, or you would rather make your donation through the mail, find our address here.

Campus Renewal is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit corporation. All donations are tax deductible. We derive almost all of our income from donations. Campus Renewal financial info available upon request – just contact us.


Please select a ministry fund to direct your giving.

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National Movement Fund

Fund for operation and expansion of Campus Renewal around the nation

Every Student Sent Fund

Connecting Youth to College Ministries And Equipping Them To Start Missional Christ Centered Groups In Secular Environments


Would you like to give a general donation that will be directed where it is most needed? Click here.

Comments (2)

  • Laura Beckom

    4 years ago Reply

    Thank you for your leadership.

  • Virginia Haan

    4 years ago Reply

    May God continue to bless and use you to bring glory to Himself.
    May students become aware of the awesome God we serve and devote their lives to Him.

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