Campus Renewal Magazine

The Campus Renewal Magazine features stories about what God is doing on college campuses across the nation through the Body of Christ coming together in unity. Through these stories, we aim to encourage and inspire more people to participate in or start united movements of prayer and mission, to reach every student with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

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Campus-Wide Unity

Revival Lenses: Presence and Power

One of the things unique about studying revival, is that people see revival  through so many lenses.  The end is the same: God being fully glorified on  campus.  The means, however, are very different depending on which lens  you see…

Missional Communities


Catalyzing Community

Being involved with college students means creating community every semester or at least every fall. Often, we have to learn to create community from scratch. Here are seven principles for Catalyzing Community whether you are trying to start a small…


A Spontaneous Missional Community

Christians have become enamored with organized religion.  We are thrilled to be a part of official bible studies, official church groups, and official volunteer organizations.  However, we forget the true significance behind the missional community.  While organizations are pertinent to…

Beyond Campus

Prayer Juxtapositions

There is a mystery to the way prayer works.  Often the Biblical commands about prayer and the Biblical narratives about prayer seem to be at odds with one another.  Prayer often feels like a two-sided coin. This semester I would…

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Missional Community Stories

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